MATH 5376
Constructing Rational Number and Operation

Spring 2013
Tuesdays: 5-8 PM, Room 321 PKH

For the course syllabus, click here and here.
For problems worked or assigned in class, click here.
For the readings packet, click here.
For links to other online readings, see below.
For student interviewing tips, click here.
For the sample interview write-up, click here.
For tips on writing papers on math problems, click here. For a math ed web resources page, click here.

Instructor: Dr. Christopher Kribs
Office: 483 Pickard Hall
Phone: (817)272-5513
Fax: (817)272-5802
email: kribs(at)
CMKZ Office Hours, Spring 2013: before and after class and by appt.

NOTE: Technical information such as prerequisites, text materials, course format and assignments, and other details can be found in the syllabus, a copy of which is provided in a link at the top of this page.

Terminology (by request)

"College-level" problems

Problems appropriate for writing up in the two-problem paper:

Links to related sites

Links/info for specific class meetings

This page last modified 07 January 2013.