Biomath journal links
Math Ed Journal Links
- The AERA publishes multiple journals
(like AERJ and Educational Researcher) not specific to mathematics.
- Educational Studies in Mathematics (Kluwer)
- Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics (CT/LM; sorry, no link)
- For the Learning of Mathematics (FLM Publishing, Vancouver, BC; sorry, no link)
- Hiroshima Journal of Math Ed
- International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning (Kluwer)
- Journal of Mathematical Behavior (sorry, no link, but the most recent editor I can find is Carolyn Maher at Rutgers)
- Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education (Kluwer)
- Journal of Research in Mathematics Education (NCTM)
- Journal of Technology and Teacher Education (sorry, no link)
- MAA journals including
Mathematics Magazine and The College Mathematics Journal
(oriented toward undergraduate math)
- Mathematical Thinking and Learning
- Mathematics Education Research Journal (Australia)
- Mathematics Education Review by AMET
- Mathematics Teacher (NCTM, secondary, junior colleges and teacher ed)
- Mathematics Teaching (apparently UK only)
- Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School (NCTM, middle school)
- Psychology of Mathematics Education (annual conference proceedings)
- School Science and Mathematics
- Teaching Children Mathematics (NCTM, elementary)
- Teaching Mathematics and Its Applications (Oxford, secondary ed)
- International organization: ICME, with publications such as What is Research in Mathematics Education, and What are Its Results? (expected to appear in 1996)
- some lists of math ed journals: at
Queens U., Canada
Last updated January 17, 2010