MATH 5375
Constructing Whole Number and Operation

Fall 2016
Tuesdays 5-8 PM
Room 311 PKH, UTA campus

For the course syllabus, click here and here.
For problems worked or assigned in class, click here.
For a math ed web resources page, click here.
For links to the online readings, see below.
For student interviewing tips, click here.
For the sample interview write-up, click here.
For tips on writing papers on math problems, click here.
For tips on writing the 2-Problem Paper in this course, click here.

Instructor: Dr. Christopher Kribs
Office: 483 Pickard Hall
Phone: (817)272-5513
Fax: (817)272-5802
Office Hours, Fall 2016: before and after class and by appt.
Instructor's web page for this course:

NOTE: Technical information such as prerequisites, text materials, course format and assignments, and other details can be found in the syllabus, a copy of which is provided in a link at the top of this page.

"College-level" problems

Problems appropriate for writing up in the two-problem paper. Very strongly recommended to consult with the instructor prior to submission.

Links to related sites

Links for specific class meetings

This page last modified 10 August 2016.